In this episode, and first of our ‘future ready boards’ special we speak with Dr Pamela Ravasio- Executive & Board Advisor, Author, Speaker, and Non-Executive Director. She talks to us about the importance of future proofing businesses for a rapidly changing world, and what future ready boards and ESG preparedness mean. Pamela shares insights into some unresolved issues around fiduciary duty and ESG, and what conversations she has with INSEAD IDN alumni.
Listen to the podcast here:
About Pamela Ravasio
Dr. Pamela Ravasio is an advisor to executive management & board of directors, a keynote speaker, author, independent non-executive director, and a board member of INSEAD’s International Directors Network.
Pamela is specialised in corporate governance and responsibility, with a strong link to innovation processes and digitisation.
She has a track record as Global Stakeholder Manager, Head of CSR & Sustainability, and she is a consultant to medium and large enterprises advising on future proofing their businesses in a rapidly changing world.
About 'Leadership Conversations by TSBR'
Leadership Conversations is a podcast by The Sustainability Board Report (TSBR), an independent not-for-profit project. We aim to showcase different dimensions of sustainable business leadership and corporate governance.
In this podcast we interview global leaders who advocate for more positive societal impact and responsible business.
Leadership Conversations is hosted by Frederik Otto and Helena Guðjónsdóttir.